Domestic abuse
Prevent domestic abuse and support survivors to rebuild their lives.

The impact of domestic abuse on both children and adults is devastating and affects all aspects of their lives. We need to improve everybody’s understanding of abuse to prevent the causes, respond early and protect those affected. We will provide support to help survivors and their families rebuild their lives, and hold perpetrators to account for their actions.
Over the next four years we will:
- Establish the Domestic Abuse Partnership Board to ensure effective partnership working with shared accountability, linked governance structures to improve cross- sector, whole system integrated partnership working and deliver the strategic ambition across the Nottinghamshire’s communities.
- Address the wider determinants behind domestic violence, noting the increased risk arising from intergenerational issues, adverse childhood events and use of alcohol and substance misuse.
- Ensure equity of access to bespoke support and service provision for those with protected characteristics and also male survivors.
- Improve outcomes for victims in recovering from harm and coping with everyday life.
- Raise awareness of hidden harm, ensuring that residents and professionals have the information they need to spot the signs of slavery, abuse and exploitation and report concerns or respond to victims where appropriate.
- Refresh and deliver Nottinghamshire’s Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy, securing funding to sustain joined up, high quality services across public and third sector organisations.
JSNA - Domestic Abuse (2019)
- The total number of recorded domestic-abuse related crimes in Nottinghamshire was 14,998 between April 2019 – March 2020 (14% of all recorded crime).
It is important to note that Domestic Abuse is recognised as under reported as a crime, so this figure could be higher.