
Helping people to stop smoking (and making sure young or vulnerable people don’t take up smoking) helps improve people’s health, especially for residents living in our most deprived areas. It reduces the risk of dying early and protects others from second-hand smoke. Alongside this, tackling illegal tobacco reduces harm to our communities.
The Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Smoking and Tobacco Alliance has launched a smoking and tobacco vision document [PDF] and delivery plan, which sets out its ambitions to see smoking amongst adults in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire reduced to 5% or lower by 2035. Please help us share this across city and county and think about your contribution to achieving a smokefree generation. For further details please contact or
Over the next four years we will:
- Create a smoke free generation in Nottinghamshire County by 2035 with a specific focus on reducing inequalities and ensuring tobacco control measures are embedded in the most deprived areas.
- Embed the treatment of tobacco dependency throughout the National Health Service.
- Re-invigorate tobacco declaration [PDF] and use of the toolkit.
JSNA - Tobacco Control (2020)
- 14% of people in Nottinghamshire smoke, with the highest levels of smoking in Ashfield and Mansfield.
- Smoking is the leading cause of preventable illness and premature death in England. It is responsible for 84% of lung cancers and increases the risk of stroke by 50%.